ADHD and Executive Function
This intermediate level workshop focuses on identifying the executive function skills necessary for academic and social competence, including focus and impulse control. 4 video sessions. 7 type 2 BACB CEUs
7 type 2 BACB CEUs
This intermediate level workshop is geared for ABA providers, speech-language pathologists, social workers, occupational therapists, special educators, teachers and parents. The workshop will focus on identifying the executive function skills necessary for academic and social competence, including focus and impulse control. The conference will include assessment and remediation techniques to address common deficits and difficulties encountered by typically developing children, as well as children with ASD and other non-verbal learning disorders in the areas of executive function. Self-esteem building will be incorporated to facilitate application and generalization of the skills and techniques.
How to Use this Webinar
Session 1 Video
Session 2 Video
Session 3 Video
Session 4 Video
Evaluation Form
Perri Hecht, M.S., CCC-SLP/A, Cert. AVT, LSLS
Perri Hecht is the founder and director of Perri Hecht Speech and Auditory Services, specializing in social skills intervention, aural (re)habilitation and auditory processing disorders. She presents at conferences both nationally and internationally, and has been published in professional journals. She also consults for schools and school districts in New York and New Jersey, and has taught as an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York.
Mindy Rosenthal, M.S., BCBA/LBA
Mindy Rosenthal is director of Student Services at Ilan High School. Her private practice, Behavior Educational Consulting, specializes in the remediation of social skill deficits in children, adolescents and adults with ASD and non-verbal learning disabilities. She presents and consults nationally and internationally, on social skills, executive function, and behavioral programs.